I have no idea if this has been posted before, but I saw a comment that inspired me to post this story.I worked at GameStop for a while earlier this year. Around Christmas time, we had a lot of parents coming in buying games for their kids. As many of you probably know, Cyberpunk was one of those games. One day, a woman came in inquiring about purchasing Cyberpunk for her son for Christmas. Now, I am an extremely blunt and straight forward person and our interaction went something like this:Woman: Approaches me "I would like to purchase Cyberpunk for my son."Me: "If I may ask, how old is your son? This game has some incredibly graphic content in it."Woman: "He's seven, do you think it would be appropriate for him?"Me: "Well, just to give you an example, right when you create your character at the beginning of the game, you have the choice of whether you want your character to be circumcised or not. And yes, it does show everything."Woman: "Oh wow that does sound graphic."Me: "It is. I can give you a website where it goes over all of the reasons for the rating if you would like that."Woman: "That would be great, thank you!"Me: provides her with the official ESRB website listing for CyberpunkFast forward to a week or two later, the same lady comes in and approaches me from behind.Woman: "I just wanted to say thank you so much for showing me that website. I decided that it wasn't a game that I wanted my son playing at his age and we were able to decide on something else."She then left, without purchasing anything. She came back to my store JUST to thank me for saving her son from the impending doom of seeing man meat at seven years old. His innocence was saved, but for how long?Moral of the story, for the parents on this subreddit that visit GameStop and don't listen to the people working there, please at least hear them on things like this. We wouldn't lie to you, and we sure as hell wouldn't try to talk you out of purchasing something unless we had good reason to do so (stores are judged on a weekly/monthly basis based on revenue). More info: https://ift.tt/3q8MD47
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